Saturday, June 13, 2009

Want to win something?

Hi guys, keen to win a $10 store voucher? Well to be in the running you need to take a bash at my June journaling challenge over at Cocoa Daisy. Over my morning coffee this AM, I was browsing through Ali Edwards book: Life Artist and I was really inspired by a L.O on pg 95, where she hand drew her journaling lines & then mixed the journaling up by using hand writing, and sticker word art to create her journaling.

So my challenge is just that.....Mix it all up :D :D
(and be sure to include a bunch of different treatments to make up your journaling eg: sticker words, hand writing , stamping etc etc.)

So remember to upload your page into our gallery & post a link in this thread for us to check out.
NB: The challenge deadline is the 10th July...Happy Scrappin'!!
;D ;D


  1. hey hun! love the challenge and this layout is absolutely fabulous all around! love the journaling!!! HOpe things are going well on your side of the map! LOL

  2. Hey Darlin'...long time, eh?
    Hope all is splndid in your neck of the woods...{{{hugs}}}

  3. YAY!!!! Maybe I'll get into scrappin mode again!!!
    Lots of hugs, hun!!!

  4. Anonymous16 June, 2009

    Such a sweet layout!! Love how you did the journaling!! I just sent you an email, so now you'll have my addy... since you couldn't find it!

  5. Anonymous18 June, 2009

    Oh, hi, me again!! I just sent you a bloggy award. Stop by and grab it when you get a chance!! :)

  6. I just found your Blog and I LOVE IT!!!! What a great LO and what a great challenge!!! I am in a current slump and for the life of me can make nothing now you have given me something to inspire me!!!! Stop by and say HI!!! Wishing you a wonderful day!!! :)

  7. I love this layout with all the journaling. Any ideas on a journaling only page...(no photos allowed)?

  8. awesome layout, i love the mixed up journaling!! :)

  9. It's so pretty Kim & a great idea! I seem to do one or the other, not both simultaneously, but why the heck not hey. Not sure if I can fit that challenge in right now (seeing the date correction,lol!) but will definitely try it at home ;-D


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