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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We are off on vacation!

Santa definitely came early this year.....because yesterday we were given a gift of 11 days in this gorgeous part of the Cape. A 5 hour drive from Cape Town....with nothing but beach, surf & not much else to do.

It has been 2 years since we had a proper break, so we are all ridiculously excited about going! All I intend to do is work on my tan, read & just enjoy my little family....oh & probably take a gazillion photos along the way!

BUT us being there for 11 days, means I will not be here for the 25th, so I'll wish you a wonderfully Merry Christmas now! I hope you all have a super time of celebration & family and I'll 'see' you when we get back!


  1. Enjoy's looks absolutely lovely and peaceful!

  2. Wow, it looks beautiful, I'm just a little green! Have a wonderful time, Happy Christmas to you too xx

  3. Hi Kim ... Hope you have an awesome break )make sure your mojo rests it's weary little soul in time for more creative inspiration next year ... tee hee)

    Merry Christmas to you amd your family (and drive safe) ...

    Love, Tracy G

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  5. ooh you lucky lucky girl!!! the pictures just look so dreamy and heavenly relaxing! Hope you are enjoying your time!!!


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