Page Tabs

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Self confessed addict! my little secret is out, I LOVE adhesive! I have so many favorite brands that I never use the same one twice in a row....*ehem* seriously!

Are these not droolable??
3L E-Z Dispensers W/Docking Stations 3/Pkg-E-Z Squares/E-Z Runner/E-Z Vellum Runner by 3L CORPORATION: Product Image

OK, so this is getting embarrassing *cough*...I'll stop now.


  1. Very sad Kimberly.
    Tear jerking in fact.
    Can't you just use stickies like the rest of us in the north?

  2. that is so funny, i thought it was normal? I use atg, stampin up foam adhesive, mono glue, tacky glue, glue dots... if i got them all out, i probably have the same number of adhesives as I do scissors. and that's a lot.

  3. i love adhesive too ... and use about 12 different kinds at any given moment :)

  4. Since adhesive is a necessity, I think its super that you love it so much. Quite frankly, I love it too. Just makes me happy to have something stick where you want it to..with the right product.

  5. i know what you mean... I'm starting to hoard these as I do with paper... (which means trouble... double trouble) and with the new ones from AC... oh boy :)

  6. Man oh man.....

    Me too, I just have to try them you know????

  7. I have the SAME problem! LOL! I can't help it. I need that many different kinds, I'm quite convinced of it! And...I DO actually use them! LOL! I love adhesives and new ones always pique my interest! I need to get that Helmar fabric stiffener! I love their stuff I really need something for fabric!

  8. Hee hee! :) I'm always running out of adhesive.... maybe I should start hoarding. Huh.

  9. I am Mono loyal....but I do have other addictions of which I will not speak here!


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