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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tips & tricks mag giveaway and Scrappers bowl with CK.

I not sure if you have heard, that the BRAND NEW scrapbooking tips & tricks premier issue, from Creating keepsakes magazine is available to purchase? This is a special issue mag that will come out 4 times a year & will focus on specific topics. This first one is all about organization both in your scrap studio & on your pages. With over 200 easy ideas it is a great read & I found it super helpful too.
Now the question is do you want to get 20% off the purchase price? If you do then use this promo code TIPSB when checking out. The offer is valid until February 15th.
The other SUPER news is that I have an extra copy to give away to one of my blog readers for FREE!!!  All you have to do is leave me a comment on this post, and I'll draw the name on Friday am EST.
Creating Keepsakes is hosting a scrapper bowl  for the entire week. So for all those football fans out there doesn't this sound like a blast??? There are tons of ideas and activities happening all the time, so make sure and pop on over there & have a look-see!
Here's an idea of the articles you can expect to see:
> Monday: The “Are You Ready for Some Football?” article provides a blitz of great ideas for sports pages.
> Tuesday: The “Get a Quarter Back” article teaches money-saving ideas for your scrapbooks.
>Wednesday: Move down the field one yard at a time–our “Yard Lines” article shares five ways to incorporate fabric into your albums.
> Thursday: Run the X and O plays from the coach’s playbook using ideas for scrapbooking relationships with loved ones in our “XOXO” article.
>Friday: Check out the “Red Zone” article for color tips to help you add a touch of red to your scrapbook pages.
> Saturday: Use the ideas in our “Touchdown” article help you scrapbook your successes.
> Sunday: Wrap up the week by catching the post-game action in our “On the Sidelines” article for great border ideas for your pages.
Happy scrapping!


  1. Oh how I would love to win that mag, here is me being ever so hopeful.

    Thanks for the opportunity Kim...

  2. I'd love to win! I could use some organization ideas because my scrap space is getting a makeover!

  3. The magazine looks great! Thanks for a chance to win!

  4. I can always use more organization help. Thank you for the chance!

  5. Love CK special issues :) Looks awesome!!!

  6. That new issue looks great. Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. Thanks for the fun today!

  8. CK seems to have the bottomless pit full of goodies!!!
    Thanx for the chance to win.

    (Greek south african, scraping in Athens!)

  9. Cool giveaway! I'd definitely be interested in checking this mag out!

  10. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this magazine. I can use all the help I can get in the organization department.

  11. Would love that mag! I've been depriving myself of idea mags lately, but making up for it by checking your blog out daily! Also, thanks for all the links you constantly provide. Founds SO many great sources of inspiration, in addition to yours of course! Thanks!

  12. I'd love this magazine. I'm in the middle of a reorganization of my scrapbook room right now.

  13. Love CK and pretty much everything they do. Would love to get my hands on this new special issue. I looked for it this weekend at JoAnn's and they didn't have it yet. Would be great to win one!

  14. Thanks for the chance to win..I could always use some great storage tips!

  15. Pick me and I won't breathe a word about that soup ...yes, you know that one!
    LOL, only kidding.
    I do love inspiring books though.

  16. OOhhhhhh that mag looks like it needs me to own it!!! Thanks KIM!

  17. The magazine sounds perfect for helping me sort everything efficiently, leaving more time for scrapping :)

  18. I get CK, but hadn't heard of this yet...I'm not crazy about football, but have LOTS of photos to scrap, so maybe I'll get some inspiration from one of the articles!

  19. Looks great! Would be nice to win, because I guess it's hard to get, here in Holland!

  20. Thanks for the chance to win and I'm already signed up to do the Scrapper Bowl--fun!

  21. I am very interested in this new publication! It looks like a fun one! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  22. Well, of course I could do with ANOTHER mag ... tee hee ...

    Thanks for offering the RAK ...

    Love, Tracy G

  23. Would love love love the chance to win, love me a CK mag!!

  24. Yay... so glad a new type of mag/idea book is coming our way!!

    Looks like a fun time this week at CK!!

  25. I think my husband would love it if I won this magazine - he isn't loud about it, but I know he hates how my scrap room spills over to the rest of the house. Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

  26. What a great mag to win! I hate to admit it, but organization, and the ongoing redoing of it, is one of my favorite things about paper crafts. It feeds right into the 'ole OCD!

  27. Sounds like it'll be an inspiring issue!

  28. thanks for the heads up on the scrapper bowl.. heading on over to check out the details. :)

    ps. would also love to get a copy of that mag tooo :)

  29. oh please oh please!! i love organization!!

  30. Sounds like a great mag!

    jlh774 at gmail dot com

  31. Looks like an amazing mag! Would love to have it. I sure could do with some organiseing tips and tricks! My scrap room looks like ... uhm ... scrap! ;o)

  32. I would love a copy of this!

  33. Could use some organizational help here! Hope I'm the lucky winner!!!


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