Page Tabs

Friday, May 28, 2010

Have you tried this?

Supply list: Cardstock (American crafts, Bazzill), Patterned paper (Fancy pants, 7 Gypsies, Scenic Route, Piggy Tales, Crate paper), Ribbon (Fancy pants, Making memories), Brads & alphas (American crafts), Buttons & Ink (Close to my Heart), Dymo, Acrylic paint.

I did this page a little while back...& at the time I remember feeling so frustrated not having the perfect star stamp (I still don't haha!). In a mildly creative moment I remembered potato stamping as a child & thought, "How hard can it be?". After a couple of attempts at carving a symmetrical star, loosing half a finger & bleeding all over my kitchen table, I had a brain wave.... use a cookie cutter. I don't know why it took so long to engage my brain!! A perfect star shape without injury :o)

So I was thinking..."How about a little blog tutorial??"


You will need:
• Potato
• Shaped cookie cutter
• Sharp knife
• Paint
• Paper towel for drying
• A shallow dish
• Paint brush


  1. Wash the potato and cut it in half. On the cut face of the potato, use the cookie cutter to punch your shape
    (e.g a star). Push the cutter about 0.5" into the potato.

    2. Cut away the potato surrounding the shape (this is called negative space).

    3. Using your paper towel daub & dry your 'stamp' of excess moisture.
   4. You are ready to begin stamping now.
   5.  Using a bristle paint brush, daub paint onto the shape. This ensures even coverage.

    6.  Practice a few times on scrap paper to get a feel for the right amount
of paint to achieve your desired effect.

   7. Now get stamping & have fun....!! I added different sized paper stars & sewing for a great layered vibe.

I hope you find this helpful? If you were inspired enough to try it yourself, please leave me a comment & a link. I'd LOVE to see your beautiful projects.

So where ever you find yourself on this fine day...may you find sunshine & something to make you smile.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. i loved potatoe stamping as a kid, so have to try this again :D

  2. This is such a cool idea!!
    I'd never think of this!

    You always have the most fantastic out-of-the-box ideas!

  3. Very creative and determined you are! ;) I think I would have opted for a different shape/embellishment. But you presisted and your page is AWESOME! :)

  4. Thanks for sharing this wonderful tutorial with us Kim! I love that page, super cute!

  5. i love it Kim! ps, i don't think i even have potatoes in my fridge, ha ha. All my potatoes are french fry shapes in the freezer! I do NEED to try in though!
    miss you too xxoxx

  6. so cool! a cookie cutter is such a great idea!

  7. ooh, fabulous tutorial! I will have to try that!!!! I love the layout with the stitching and stamped stars! Lots of blood and work into it and it paid off for sure!!!

  8. haha, I love the idea that you used a potato stamp. It totally takes me back to my childhood!

  9. Can I stamp it once it's properly baked with cheese and sour cream on it?? LOL. fabulousness!!!

  10. Very Cool kim! Oh my gosh jing jing makes me laugh. I love the tutorial. Might have to give it a go!

  11. I have been looking at some of your tutorials and I have not tried this.

    What a great idea!


Th♥nks for your comments!