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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Whatch doing this week?

Mark Your Calendars for Creating Keepsake's 2010 Holiday Head Start Event! September 27-October 2

It is almost time for the  week long extravaganza over at Club CK! It's CK's 2010 Holiday Head Start event, and sure to be enormous fun, so make sure you sign up!!!

The Schedule

We know that the holidays are always super busy, so this year we'll be helping you prepare for them before the busy season sets in. Each day of the event will be devoted to a specific holiday help! Here's the lineup:

Monday: Halloween

Tuesday: Thanksgiving

Wednesday: Hanukkah

Thursday: Christmas

Friday: Christmas, continued

And did you know that October 2 is World Card Making Day? It's a great celebration created and sponsored by our sister publication, Paper Crafts magazine. So in honor of that creative holiday, we'll be wrapping up our holiday extravaganza by giving you card ideas for each of these holidays as well! So be sure to add one more Club CK day to your calendar:

Saturday: all holidays celebrated in cards!

What to Expect

Throughout the week, you'll enjoy the following creative inspiration:

* layout ideas for the holidays (you can make the layouts now so all you need to do during the holidays is add pictures)
* project and decor ideas to adorn your homes and parties in holiday spirit
* recipes for crowd-pleasing results
* downloads galore to give you page accents and titles for all your holiday needs
* lots of giveaways
* and so much more!

If you want to download the free blinkie for the event as seen on the CK blog & in my side bar, go here**

The Cost
Nothing! This event is FREE to say thanks to everyone who supports Creating Keepsakes. Watch for all the articles to be posted to the official site here beginning September 27, 2010.
See you in cyber space.

**As seen on the CK community blog

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