Page Tabs

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Farewell to a wonderful lady + Life.

I heard the most shocking news the other day. That a friend I had 'met' through the world of scrapbooking... had lost her battle against cancer & had passed away. It was so sudden & unexpected, I feel gutted at just how fragile life really is.

Chris Hertel was a wonderfully special lady who was courageous, inspiring & never once lost her sense of humor even with the trauma of her ordeal. She was always so generous & encouraging, her creativity & love for life always inspiring. She meant the world to family & friends all over the planet. Chris will be missed ever so much. I especially ache for her little family left behind.

In times like these one is forced to ponder the meaning of life all over again. I find myself grateful once more for the grace of my Lord upon I which I grasp onto like a life raft in the raging seas of life. His love for an ordinary, mistake making, not at all perfect person like me brings me to my knees again in relief that I am forgiven & loved unconditionally by the God of Life. Sometimes life sucks big time but I am ever hopeful.

Chris... this is in remembrance of you sweet friend!
Prov 31: 25

I appreciate you joining me in honoring this lovely lady!


  1. Kim, this is a beautiful post, and you are so right! She was such a wonderful person and friend.

  2. Such a sweet tribute.
    Love the one eye-d plant too.

  3. That's so sad : (
    Beautiful post Kim.

  4. I am honored to have found her friendship, too. Saddened that we never met, but live in neighboring states (she lived in Pennsylvania and me in Ohio). It was shocking to me, too, as I thought she was a breast cancer survivor, I guess it was just too much? May she be with God!

  5. I once received a blog hop giveaway and card from her! I am so sad to hear this news! She seemed such a sweet person! I'll say a prayer for her family!

  6. xox she truly was a sweet sweet woman. and you are too. love you!

  7. Lovely post Kim... thank you!


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