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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy days + girly L.O!

Woke up & found this....
Woot! My Fancy Pants card was selected as Featured project yesterday! 
Then I remembered I hadn't shared this......
My Fancy Pants page was the featured project last week as well. hehe! 
And.... the week before that my Cocoa Daisy page was the featured project too.

 Thanks a stack Twopeas you sure know how to put a smile on a gal's dial! Happy days indeed!

And on that happy note...a girly-girl page about my little friend Callan. She is an adorable little imp!
You are sweet! by Kim Watson
 A frivolous page just for fun :o)  Lots of Lilybee products & a smidgin of Hambly.

Thanks for poppin' in! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
Happy Thursday!


  1. How awesome are you.... lucky lucky girl but i have to say your stuff is totally rocking!

  2. That's because you are full of AWEsome!! :)

  3. Yeah, Kim. That totally is awesome. You should be smiling. :)
    Thanks for sharing.


Th♥nks for your comments!