Page Tabs

Thursday, April 05, 2012

There's a spring in my step+ layouts

Happy Spring to all my friends in the Northern Hemisphere.

Here we are sliding into Autumn which means Winter is around the corner...yuck!!! Not my favorite season. Really cold but not enough to snow & have central heating....sigh!

So I thought I'd tag onto your season, & live vicariously though you for a couple of weeks, enjoying some 'extended' Spring.

To me Spring conjures up images of:
  • bright floral posies
  • baby critters
  • pound cake
  • pale blue skies filled with white clouds
  • rain boots
  • snuggles 
 Little Critters come out to Play by Kim Watson

(As seen in the 2011 Seasons issue of Creating Keepsakes magazine. Posted with prior permission from the Creative Crafts Group. )

Citrus pound cake...yum!!

You love the Rain by Kim Watson
I am going to post a tutorial on how to make these cute rain watch this space :D

If I could Bottle your Love by Kim Watson

And as we approach one of the most special celebrations of the year, Easter.
Be reminded of something important. That God thinks....

Have a Happy Thursday!


  1. Great spring projects! Hold onto that "spring-y" feeling, since autumn is just around the corner for you.

  2. BEAUTIFUL layouts--your attention to detail is SO fun to look at! :)

  3. Gorgeous work! I am such a huge fan. Your layouts are always so inspiring!

  4. Beautiful layouts as always KJ! :) Little Critters is definitely one of my all time faves from you.

  5. LOVE THIS!!! I'm so going to lift that photo when Edward is bigger ;)


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