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Thursday, June 07, 2012

NEW October Afternoon+ layouts.

Yowzer it is cold today! The torrential downpour happening outside isn't helping matters either, so as I sit here in front of my laptop, bundled up in 4 layers of clothing I thought I'd share some of the projects I have been working on over the last month or so using the NEW October Afternoon collections, released at the last CHA show.
 You can steer Yourself by Kim Watson

(Posted with prior permission from Masterful Scrapbooking. As seen in the May 2012 seminar)

Supplies: October Afternoon- Cakewalk collection
Collection by Kim Watson

 Supplies: October Afternoon- 9-5 collection

Boy & a Horse by Kim Watson
Supplies: October Afternoon- Sasparilla collection

 Beach Day by Kim Watson

 Supplies: October Afternoon- 9-5 collection

True to form, October Afternoons NEW collections are fabulous in every-way!
Happy scrappy Thursday to you wherever you might be.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Awesome job with all of the OA collections! So much fun stuff to look at on all of your layouts!

  2. very awesome LOs! love 'em! love OA too!


Th♥nks for your comments!