Page Tabs

Thursday, June 26, 2014

DIY: Make your own enamel dots!

If you are like me & are having a HUGE problem paying R76.00 (retail) for a teeny pack of gorgeous coloured MME emanel dots, then this post is for you.

My scrapping budget is paying almost R100 for a few enamel dots just doesn't sit right with me :) I thought, best I get off my lazy, scrapbooking butt & put some of my years of scrapping experience to good use & try & make my own DIY emanel dots.

To get my head in the game, I hit Pinterest, which had loads of different ideas...from melting Perler beads (which I can't get here in SA without a huge amount of effort), painted googlie eyes, hot glue, blobs of texture paint etc etc.

This is the result that worked best for me.


  • Glossy Accents from +Ranger Ink 
  • Wax paper
  • Cheap nail varnish

Step #1
Use the squeeze, lift & pull technique to get puffy glue dots.

Step #2
 Once dry.... you have to be patient here. (Too soon & you'll get a mangled dot.) Carefully apply different colours of nail varnish.

The result: Piles of  pretty 'almost free of charge' enamel dots.

You've gotta love the fact thatbecause they cost virtually nothing, you don't have to ration yourself to a few per page! 

Go wild...& add dots to everything I say. (Erm... yes....I have that problem right now. Every project coming off my craft table is covered in dots :)

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