Page Tabs

Thursday, July 31, 2014

symbolism through motif + masterful scrapbook design

So how do you add energy to your pages? Is there more than meets the eye? Have you ever thought about why you chose the colors you do or why some motifs better suit a page theme than others? 

This page was an assignment for Papercrafts & Scrapbooking where I had to interpret a digital page into a traditional scrapbook page. To me this page is more about the message & emotion of the moment than the techniques. Yet the design techniques are what bring this page to life.

Let's look at my thoughts behind the page:
  • Arrows help create movement. They speak of busy-ness, activity,  action, life according to an 8 year old.
  • The zig-zags speak to me of frenetic directional changes & contrast. The unpredictability of a growing boy who is discovering himself and the world.
  • The underground map mask, I used as a background, speaks of being a city boy.
  • All the different layers I have used speaks, of life here as we know it. A collage of bits that help to mould & shape him. The things that make him happy, like visits to museums, art galleries....yet his innocence allows him to find complete joy in chasing pigeons or flopping down on the grass, arms wide embracing his world. 
  • The title speaks loudly about the carefree trusting attitude of a little guy happy in his own skin. A boy who loves his life and is excited by what the future holds. A person untainted by cynicism. 
  • Using yellow teamed with yellow as the accent palette,  gives the feeling of warms, happy energy mixed with a hint of cool anticipation. 
  • Lastly the x2 arrow shaped journal blocks are part of the grounding elements. By facing them inwards towards the center, they are indicative of how, no matter what our circumstances, our lives are mapped out & will follow the path pre-destined. That each moment is to be treasured, each decision a privilege.
This Life by Kim Watson
 (This page, as seen in the Nov 2013 issue of  Papercrafts and Scrapbooking. Posted with prior permission by the Creative Crafts Group) 

Supplies: Simple Stries, +Crafters Workshop, +Technique Tuesday+Thermoweb+Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L, Typewriter. 
So I urge you to delve deeper into your processes behind your pages. You will be surprised at the subliminal crafting going on without you even realising it. 

+Debbie Hodge  says: 'Motif, typeface, and styling are essential to cuing obvious story elements and for enlarging on character, setting and theme and for evoking the mood that will get your viewers to identify with the reason behind your scrapbook page".

Remember to join us at 11am ET for a live interview with myself, Debbie Hodge & the team @MasterfulScrapbookdesign. I look forward to chatting with you later.

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