Page Tabs

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Use those words!

Hi friends, how are you doing on this pretty Tuesday morning? 

I hope you are feeling creative today because I have a super technique to share with you that is both ‘green’ and fun to do. Not only is it a play on words but the titling seconds as journaling and page interest too.

To get my story across I used catch-phrases, hashtag-style, with meanings that relate to having a kid who is a motor-mouth. In other words, I really used my words well.

What you’ll need to re-create this technique:
  • Completed or partially completed Fancy Pants Designs alpha sticker sheet.
  • Talcum powder
  • Black pen
Step #1:
Take your sticker sheet and separate the backing sheet from the sticker sheet. This will leave you with the negative alpha sticker sheet and the left over alpha stickers on the other sheet. Turn the sticky sheet over and rub talcum powder all over it to remove the stickiness.

Step #2:
Using a fine black marker, use the negative letter shapes as templates to draw words onto your base page.

Kim Watson+SoManyWords02+FPblog

Once your hand drawn words are complete add secondary words either above or below them with small, contrast alpha stickers, creating words or phrases that contribute to the page theme.

I didn’t have enough cardstock sticker alphas, so mixed in Fancy Pants chipboard alphas. At the time I was worried that they might not gel with the rest of the page, but was pleasantly surprised with the result. The change in texture, contributes to the idea of staccato, non-stop talking or conversation.

And yes, in case you were wondering… car trips are cause for earplugs in our family. LOL.

I hope you enjoyed this idea… and remember we’d love to see your versions of it. Remember to post your pages on the Fancy Pants Designs Facebook page, Instagram or Pinterest with the hashtag #fancypantsdesigns. We’ll be watching out for standout pages to feature in our September newsletter.

Thanks for joining me today! Happy Tuesday!

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