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Friday, December 19, 2014

Handmade tree Ornaments #2- Straw diamonds.

Welcome back from my next Christmas ornament tutorial.

As I mentioned the other day...I decided to make all my tree ornaments this year because my color theme & Christmas decor is so totally different from anything else I have done before & wonder of all wonders I actually got myself organised enough to take photos of my creative process.

Here is no. 2: (Scandinavian style)

#2 straw diamonds!

Our tree.....not quite finished yet...but almost there :D

  • Black plastic drinking straws
  • Strong twine or yarn of some kind
  • Embroidery needle
  • Sharp scissors

  • Snip the straws into x9 pieces to your preferred length
  • Using a single piece of yarn, thread x3 pieces of straw & position into a triangle shape
  • Secure at the point where the straws meet
  • Add another x2 straws making x2 triangles
  • Repeat the process until you can make a mini pyramid shape
  • Tie off the yard at the apex leaving long threads loose
  • Using another piece of yard, add triangles to the bottom of the shape creating a diamond
  • Once completed,, tie off yarn securely
  • Knot the loose threads at the apex to create a loop
  • Your diamond is ready to hang

Slip them onto your twig tree adding a sophisticated pop of black.
Remember to visit tomorrow for another tutorial.

So glad you stopped by!

Merry Christmas to you all!

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