Friday, June 19, 2009

Date change!

***There is an amendment to the due date for the journaling challenge in my previous post.....sorry I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote the 10th July...hahaha! The actual date is the 25th June, so there are still a few days to get your entries in & posted in the gallery with a link in the Cocoa Daisy forum.

Thanks guys!!


  1. Anonymous20 June, 2009

    Hey, just wanted to tell you that I gave you a bloggy award. Stop over when you get a chance and grab it. Have a great day!

  2. Hi again, btw just wanted to ask you about the CD DT call, would love to try out for it & finally get some layouts loaded in the gallery, particularly as I have been subscribing for some months now & been very impressed, but want to know if, as part of the DT, you get the postage free or only the product, as postage of it is R250. I know as I got the first one on my own & that is what it cost roughly, if I remember correctly. Now that I have formed a group & 6 of us get it together it only costs us R300 on average, landed. So I need to know if getting a free kit per month would be worth it or not. Yes if there is no postage but no if there is. Sorry to hassle you but please could you pop over with an answer Thanks ;-D


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