Monday, May 04, 2009

Got the cover.

Ok now that the mag is on the shelves I can share my fantastic news (*I am still pinching myself).....that my 'Robot Love' L.O got the cover of the June Creating Keepsakes. My sweet friend Martha, scanned the front page (because mine hasn't arrived yet) & mailed it to me. I was over the moon (haha! no pun intended) when I opened her mail & saw it....& I just love the final cover layout with the toy looks so cool!

Thanks guys really know how to make a gals day (birthday actually hehe!) I'm off with a good friend to swipe some plastic & spoil myself. I have a feelin' it's gonna be a good day after all!

Chat later.


  1. Hi!!!!!

    First of all... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

    2cnd Congrats on the cover!!!!! Looks fab! Enjoy the day..... It's ment to be good!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to you

    That's my friend, KJ= cover girl!
    Couldn't be prouder of you.
    I hope you have a special day and feel our Father's joy smiling down on you.

  3. Happy Birthday Kim !!!!
    Wow, this is fantastic ! Have a fab day sweety !!

  4. Wow that is a superb birthday present for you... congrats on making the cover of CK. Enjoy your birthday too.

  5. Dear Kim...wishes for an awesome birthday! Last night I was watching Nature (about an island called Mull off the coast of Scotland) on PBS and kept thinking that the guy reminded me of your Tersh!

    You deserve the rock! You're one of the most inspiring scrapbookers to me!!! In the mag, you have like MORE published layouts: one with Max and your brother, one of Cas and her dad.

  6. Wow!! Talk about a fantastic birthday present...or any present! Pretty soon CK is going to have a SA correspondence center, with you running the show!! YOu are amazing. Have a blast today.

  7. Happy birthday, and congratulations! That's a pretty awesome cover. :)

  8. Happy birthday...somehow swiping plastic and spoiling yourself sounds so tempting!!!!

    Well done with the cover of the CK. My subscription starts with mine will probably also arrive soon.

  9. Wow. That's huge. That's amazing. Congrats. And great timing. The other amazing thing is that CK rarely puts multi-photo layouts on its cover, so they must have thought yours was super-duper great! Because it is!

  10. Kim, that is soooo cool!!!! Huge congrats...!!! You are amazing...!

  11. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! I am so so proud of you! What a thrill! You totally deserve it, you're a fabulous scrapper! Happy Birthday to you my friend! :)

  12. Wowee Darlin'..that's some super-big news you've been sitting so so happy for you!!!!

  13. Awesome Kim, way to go and great birthday present...

  14. Anonymous05 May, 2009

    Wow, Kim, that is fantastic. BIG congrats!! What a great birthday for you!! Woo-hoo. I'll have to pick up a copy!!

  15. Not at all surprised, you rock it always, congrats my friend this is only the beginning of what you deserve!

  16. Lori Anderson06 May, 2009

    Awesome, Kim! I'm so happy they picked it (I loved this layout when you sent it in)! I've been thinking of sending you an email, but just found your blog, so I'm leavin happy comments. Happy B-day, too!

  17. This is just so darn cool! Congrats to you, happy birthday and I LOVE the layout! =)


  18. Oh my goodness Kim! This is the greatest thing I've heard all year long! I am so thrilled for you! And this is so well deserved! Long overdue I think! Enjoy your moment of fame! :):):):):)

  19. oh wow!! oh wow!!! oh wow!!! That is awesome, Kim - just wonderful - hope you are still basking in the sunshine of this cover, girl - you deserve it!!!

    Oh, and Happy Birthday - what an awesome gift ...

    Love, Tracy G

  20. Anonymous09 May, 2009

    I know I'm a bit late... but CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    super duper wow!!!

    greek kisses from a south african in Athens!!!

  21. Aw, man!!! Happy VERY BELATED birthday to you!!! I hate missing my friends' birthdays! When was yours???
    On the other hand... CONGRATULATIONS, KIM!!! Very well deserved! The LO is beautiful!!! I'll have to go out and get the magazine ASAP!!!


Th♥nks for your comments!