Thursday, June 19, 2008

Small stuff!

My day was made of snippets of small things that I probably won't remember in a week, so I thought I'd about blog, it'll forever be immortalized in cyber space for me to read when ever I want....don't you just love blogging!!!
This bunch of yellow flowers was a 'gift' from Maxi. He pulled them off some bush in a neighbours front yard, whilst walking outside in the street. I love the sincerity in his eyes as he reaches up to me & says...' I have something special for you Mama, because I love you SOOOO much!'...tweaks the heart strings believe me & distracts me enough from reprimanding him for stomping in someone else's flower beds.
This was taken at 8AM this morning...Max dressed himself....his PJ's with his Aloha T-shirt over the top & sweats....Joscie, yes he is reading the beautiful book you sent us about Hawaii....he loves it!! He is so crazy about anything to do with Hawaii...thanks to Lilo & Stitch & you guys!
To make sure I got my daily dosage of adrenalin...'both' our hot water geysers over our bedroom decided to burst today. By the grace of God I heard something strange & went to investigate only to find hot water running down the walls in my bedroom & out of the light fittings. I YELLED! for Tersh, who improvised while we waited for the electrician & plumber. We have to have both majorly overhauled but better that than having the roof cave in through water damage. God is indeed very good!
We had supper of rice Paella on the floor in front of the fire place this evening...I love watching how much my boys love eachother....makes this Mama's heart very happy.
I even baked this, don't be fooled I wasn't being the epitome of domesticity. Max was driving me NUTS & I had run out of activities to do with him. He is a gr8 helper in the kitchen when I bake...& he has been nagging me for days for cinnamon muffins. So cinnamon muffins & a choc-chip vanilla loaf it was. Bad for the waistline...excellent for the state of mind. I'll diet in heaven.


  1. Love this post, from the yellow flowers to the hug of father and son in front of the fire. The only thing that would warm the cockles of my heart more would be sharing the muffins and coffee with my cousins. Why do you have to live so far away?
    Sorry about the leaks too, shame man. Water, water everywhere and too much even to drink?

  2. Anonymous19 June, 2008

    Hey there, I love the way that I get to see the same day I have experienced from YOUR point of view. I see the flowers but now I get to read about what it does on the inside of you. Thanks for sharing so openly.
    Oh, the paella was a roaring 10 out of 10... again.
    Your secret admirer

  3. Yay for the flowers and for Max enjoying his goodies.. :) sorry to hear about the water! no fun! and what a sweet secret admirer you have ;)

  4. My goodness, what a busy day! Your baking looks very good though!

  5. Hey Kim thanks for letting me visit your home ! Beautiful photos of your family, of everyday moments.


  6. love the post. Your secret admirer seems quite a man. Lucky girl! I love that your cooking involves Max. It's fun, but takes a lot more time, right! You are such a good mom.

  7. Cool and cosy post! TFS

  8. yummy!!!!

    I love when you can immortalize the memories that we so often forget. Let me know when you challenge is up, I am working on a hybrid LO, and have to print it up.



  9. Look at all those baked goodies...especially since you're heading into the fall weather there, this stuff is PERFECT.
    Sorry about the water leak! Thanks be to God it wasn't worse!

  10. Thanks for sharing your normal life with us. Everything isn't always roses is it, but it's always amazing. Thanks for making me crave some baked goodies! Take care.

  11. Hi Kim. I stumbled across your blog through Sophia, a scrapping friend of mine. Love your blog. Nice to read a South African blog of a scrapper/crafter. Your photography seems very professional and I think the challenge of blogging pics of current home spaces is quite a snazzy idea. Sorry about the geysers ... a real pain hey, but like you say rather a burst geyser than a roof collapse. I am also a serious scrapper and photographer and you are welcome to visit me over at my blog 'Doing Life' to see all my creations. Keep well. PS Looking forward to your next challenge, I might just take you up on it. Happy scrapping from Desire Fourie, Fourways Gauteng

  12. i love to find these kids of posts, Kim! Nothing fancy, nothing out of the ordinary. Just the simple pleasures and sometimes the not-so-pleasures of life! i melt when Coco brings me dandilions, can't even imagine if she walked in with so many pretty flowers!
    You are a very blessed woman, Kim! Many hugs to you guys!

  13. Hi there! Thanks so much for the kind comments on my blog. Abundant blessings to you!!

  14. Hi Sweetie - thanks for keeping us updated on life at No the pic of T & Max and the cookies, hmmm hope there are 'bakes' waiting for us next month....lots love - mumsy


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