Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I did it!!!!

Hey to all those scrappers out there who care. I did it! I got x3 page submissions in for Becky's Dec sketch page call. The deadline was today @ 5pm and as usual I left it until the last moment.
I was soooo chuffed with the way last page I sent in turned out. Cleaner looking than my usual busy vibe. I was even more chuffed to see just now that Jana mailed back to say she LOVED! it and had made a recommendation to who-ever makes the final call. So we'll see.....hee-hee, hee-hee!

Hows this funny pic? {not the most flattering} taken at 11.30 pm in the big bed, horsing around with my cell phone {something woke Maxi up, hence him bod in our bed} >>>>>>>

My sadly neglected kids were very understanding today and played nicely together with minimal injury....usually poor Cas, inflicted either by accident or on purpose by the blonde terrorist. Right now they are using up their last bit of energy racing around the house shrieking, with Daddy hot on their heels. As much as I am not inclined to say....I have to admit that the sound of laughter echoing off the walls, is good for the soul.

Well we have a fire roaring in the fireplace.......FLIP!!! our house can get cold. As soon as the kids are down T & are looking forward to watching Hero's {a cool sci-fi on channel3} no laughing now!!!! It is a good thing tho' that we both have the same taste in movies, 'cos the general concensis amongst my friends is that I have very ODD taste. Hey at least this way there is always something in @ the DVD shop for us to watch.

Well lovelies I'm off to tuck the kiddies in.
Keep warm.
Chat tomorrow. xx.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Kim, cant wait to peek at those pages! Am Yay for updating your blog every day...I prob am not going to get to post before I go, but I may try. Chose another 4 epi's of Greys last night over ended with them operating on Denny (Issi's beau) and OMIGOSH PLEASE DONT LET HIM DIE. I am freaking out. Sad but true


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